
Search for Texts and Properties

Search the drawing for objects that contain a specific text. Search objects that are assigned to a specific layer. Search for all uses of a specific block. Or all of that simultaneously. At any time and without interrupting the current command.

In contrast to the Selection Filter, this will not select all matching objects at once, but the matching objects will be enumerated one by one. If during the search a command modifying a single object (such as Edit Text) is active, that command can be executed for each of the enumerated objects separately.
If, however, a command allowing for multiple objects to be selected is active (such as Edit Properties), each enumerated object can be added or removed from the selection. The search may even include linked data records from databases. This allows for targeted access even in drawings with a huge number of objects.

The least recently search for texts and for properties will be saved with every drawing to be easily available for later use.

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